Tryout registration for National Academy and National Boys is open! All other tryout information will be announced soon!

Tryouts – Boys National Programs

USYS Youth Academy (8U-10U)

Youth Academy Open Sessions and Spring Placement Opportunities

Players interested in the CSA Youth Academy Program are welcome to attend the scheduled sessions or contact the listed director for more information. Players must be born in 2015, 2016, or 2017 and not committed to another NCYSA competitive soccer program.

Charlotte Boys – Contact Rich Schwartz
Charlotte Girls – Tuesday, December 10, 5-6:30pm @ OrthoCarolina Sportsplex. Contact Danielle Russell prior to attending.
Matthews Boys & Girls – Contact Steve Burckhalter
Uptown Boys & Girls – Contact Prince Ojok
Palisades/York Boys & Girls – Wednesday, December 11, 5:45-7pm @ Harris Teeter Soccer Complex. Contact Jay Marlovits prior to attending.
Indian Trail – Contact Andrew Steedman
North (Cabarrus area) – Wednesday, December 11, 6-7:15pm @ West Cabarrus HS. Contact Chris Ryan prior to attending.
Huntersville – Contact Andrew Steedman

PRogram OVerview

Click image to enlarge

CSA offers the Youth Academy program to boys and girls ages 8U through 10U that are ready to move from recreational soccer into a curriculum that is focused on development of skills and techniques. The program, as recommended by US Soccer and the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association, stresses player development over winning. CSA strongly believes that the Youth Academy Program is the best development option for children leaving recreational level programs. The training program is unmatched for preparing the youth player for higher level competitive programs. Interested players must participate in an evaluation process that occurs in April/May of each year. Once a player has accepted a position in the Youth Academy, they are committed to participate for the entire upcoming soccer year (August to May).

Youth Academy players train two nights per week and are strongly encouraged to participate in the supplemental technical training session offered by CSA to its members at no additional charge. CSA Youth Academy coaches specialize in developing the youngest players and sharing their love of the game. The Youth Academy typically plays matches on Saturdays during the season against Academy teams from other clubs in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties. A balance of home and away matches are played. Youth Academy teams typically participate in one CSA festival event and one other festival event per season.

CSA Youth Academy

Philosophy and Structure

Thank you for your interest in the CSA Youth Academy for 8U, 9U and 10U boys and girls!

We invite parents and players to review the videos and information below to learn about the program. Prospective players should contact the director in the area of their choice. A list of directors can be found below.

Charlotte Soccer Academy has seen huge changes in the club over the last several years. We have grown from a small soccer association of less than 20 teams into a club that now has national recognition with the awarding of the Elite Club National League programs for our older boys and girls. We also have a full time staff that is second to none in the region. We are excited about the continuation of the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association (NCYSA) Youth Academy for the U8-U10 age groups. For those not familiar with the Youth Academy format, this information is provided to help you understand the Youth Academy philosophy.

NCYSA has introduced the Academy philosophy for the U8-U10 age group and we understand all clubs will be required to adopt this philosophy within the next few years. When we adopted the program over many seasons ago we felt that this would be a great time to pioneer the Youth Academy program in Charlotte while providing our youngsters with the best possible start to their soccer experience. Since that time many other clubs both here in Charlotte and across NC have adopted the same philosophy.

The focus of the Youth Academy is to develop young soccer players through the “Golden Years of Learning”. Players at this age are like sponges and can learn to love the game and develop positive habits and attitudes which provide the foundations for soccer excellence down the road. The emphasis at this age is fun and enjoyment where everything is positive and creativity is encouraged. If kids enjoy the game at this introductory age then hopefully they will be playing and enjoying the game for years to come.

The Youth Academy program stresses player development versus results. It is much more important to develop players within the proper framework at this age as opposed to demanding that teams win at all costs.  If the goal is just to win there are shortcuts that coaches can take at the expense of developing the player and the team. By focusing on developing the player and putting them in the best training situation that fits the individual, this helps the entire team and success will follow.

The curriculum in place at CSA and the pool training sessions are designed specifically for this age. The coaches who will be working with these players are superb at training and understanding the younger players. Therefore, you can be completely comfortable in the knowledge that your child is receiving the best soccer instruction for their age and ability.  

Our goal is to help each child develop skills and techniques to play “The Beautiful Game of Soccer:” We want to open the door of creativity for every player with a soccer ball!

The emphasis on winning is a detriment to young players because it prevents us from developing technically proficient players. And we are not giving them the ability to make decisions.

–US U17 National Team Coach, John Hackworth. Soccer America, Oct. 2006

Too often in this country, youth coaches sacrifice learning skills for winning games…

– US Women’s National Team Member, Mia Hamm. Soccer America, Oct. 2006

Program Goals


Improving Technique
When players improve their technical ability they grow in confidence and give themselves a greater capacity to process information, which is vital in the development of young soccer players. Improving technique is paramount to CSA.

Improving Teamwork
Another way to increase enjoyment of the game is through interaction with teammates through small group activities which enhance skillful and imaginative play, for example 2v1, 2v2, 2v3, 3v3, and 4v4 to goals or targets. At a young age, children play in a number of positions to improve their all round understanding and knowledge of the game.

Playing With High Standards
Discipline is a key factor when learning the game of soccer. CSA expects all players to attend each training session. Arrive early. Shirts tucked in, socks pulled up displaying proper CSA training attire. Equipment, including a soccer ball, shin-guards and water bottle are mandatory items for each session. We also require that the players treat the coaching staff, opponents, and referees with the utmost respect. Many of these standards come from you, the parent, setting the example.

Training Format


Players are identified and grouped by birth year and ability. The staff will teach and develop these players to have the confidence and the technical ability to enjoy the game. All training is THEME/CURRICULUM BASED in order to achieve basic fundamentals necessary within the game.

The practice format will institute a station style of POOL TRAINING. Simply, the training will consist of either stations (2-3 stations) that vary within the theme or a session headed up by a Senior Coaching Staff member. The groups should be matched up by level(s) in order to keep the training environment challenging.

The programming will be as follows for ages U9-U11:

Day 1: Pool Station Training grouped by level, 2-3 stations per the curriculum or a session lead by a Senior Staff member.

Day 2: The Academy Director will set the exercise and then have the teams break off to complete it, the club staff coach will lead the sessions. Sessions will end with games.

Day 3: 4v4 training. CSA will offer a third session during the week with the focus on 4v4. This extra session allows the players to understand the ideas of height, width and depth and get into more game related experiences. This optional session is highly encouraged. This will be a session where the U9, U10 and U11 players play. The CSA Staff members will be running this session for their respective genders.

Coaching Games and Practices


Each Academy Director is responsible for the staffing and scheduling of all games. Each team will be assigned a club staff coach for their games. For ages U9-U10, the Academy Director will assign staffing for games among the allotted club staff. CSA requires that each coach achieve a coaching certification through US Soccer, National Soccer Coaches Association of America or an equivalent foreign coaching certificate. This helps promote and educate the CSA culture and philosophy across its staff.

All coaching should be left to the coaching staff, and parents should not offer advice to players during games or practice. Parents should refrain from giving any tactical feedback to players regarding performance as they may give contradictory information or over repeat what the coach has already said which can lead to confusion or frustration for the player. The decisions made for the groups such as playing time and any movement between sections are the sole responsibility of the head coaches and the Academy Directors.

One of the great things we have heard back from players and parents is that each game day event has such a great atmosphere. All of the teams get to play at the same site (boys and girls may be split) and teams get there early to support one another and stay after and it makes for a fantastic environment for soccer as the players feel that they are a part of a club and not just on a team.

Team Formation


All players are evaluated at two open evaluation nights in May and then again at our assessment camp in late July/early August. Players will potentially be grouped into different sections for their second pool training session of the week. A coach will oversee a specific section. There is a flexibility to adjust teams and section depending on the event or festival in question.

Teams may be shuffled and mixed for various alternative competitions over the course of the year with flexibility provided by the Academy style format but mostly they will stay with the group in which they are assigned.



Be Positive!

Positive Parental Support
Positive support is vital during times of disappointment which is a natural part of a young soccer player’s developmental success.  Please refer to your CSA Code of Conduct which outlines and provides examples of positive parental support. Positive parental support does not include coaching your child from the sidelines as this only confuses players.

Positive Encouragement
Positive encouragement from parents is vital in helping young soccer players succeed and enjoy the game. The job of each parent is to be their child’s biggest fan. Positive feedback and encouragement should outweigh constructive criticism by at least 10 to 1. This allows players to grow in confidence which is the key to success in soccer as well as any sport.

Positive Coaching
Positive coaching from our staff is very important to our players’ development. We must ensure that our players are instilled with confidence to play and have an understanding of the coach’s instructions as well as the ability to handle constructive feedback from the coach. Encouragement at this level is a massive motivational tool to making our players successful, creative and well rounded soccer players.

In Closing


As a club we feel that the Youth Academy style system will benefit your child and increase their development in the game of soccer. We believe that by implementing these ideas, we will see players improve at greater rates in a fun and a positive environment. The CSA staff is confident that your child will thrive in a setting that encourages creativity and skill rather than in one which is focused on results and standings.

If you have any questions that have not been answered, please feel free to e-mail the Youth Academy Director in your section.

Youth Academy Directors

Contact the Youth Academy Director in your section with any questions.

Richard Butler

Youth Academy Program Director


Youth Academy Program Director

• USSF A License
• USC Premier Diploma
• Former USSDA Director
• Played professional & collegiate soccer

Rich Schwartz

Youth Academy Boys Charlotte Director

Youth Academy Boys Charlotte Director

• Youth License I and II
• NCYSA E License
• Grassroots 4v4, 7v7, 11v11
• Junior Academy Coach 2013-present
• Junior Academy Director 2018-present 

Danielle Russell

Youth Academy Girls Charlotte Director

Youth Academy Girls Charlotte Director

• USSF D License
• Played collegiate soccer at Clemson University, 2006-2009, Elite 8 Freshman Year
• Inducted into the York County Soccer Hall of Fame, August 2022
• Former Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach at Fort Mill High School

Steve Burckhalter

Matthews Section Youth Academy Director

Matthews Section Youth Academy Boys & Girls Director

• USSF B License & USSF National Youth License
• Former Associate DOC, Dakota Alliance Soccer Club
• Former Women’s Head Coch, Augustana College
• Former Director of Coaching, Dakota Gold Soccer Club

Prince Ojok

Uptown Section Youth Academy & 11U-19U USYS Boys Director

Uptown Section Youth Academy Boys & Girls Director

Uptown Section 11U-19U USYS Boys Director

• USSF B License & UEFA B License
• USC Advanced National Diploma
• Former Assistant Coach, Western Connecticut State University
• B.S. Sports Science

Andrew Steedman

Huntersville & Indian Trail Section Director

Huntersville Section Director; Indian Trail Section Director
Huntersville & Indian Trail Youth Academy Director
Huntersville & Indian Trail 11U-12U USYS Director
North Pre-ECNL Assistant Director

• USSF D License
• National Youth License
• Created Strikers Soccer Center, Huntersville, NC
• Former youth coach & club secretary, Clydebank FC in Scotland

Chris Ryan

North Section Youth Academy Director

North Section Youth Academy Boys and Girls Director

• USSF D License and Grassroots Certifications
• Former Director of Coaching, LPSC U11-12 Boys and Girls
• Four Year Collegiate Standout at Methodist University
• Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with Minors in Accounting and Sports Management

Jay Marlovits

Palisades & York Sections Youth Academy Director

Palisades & York Sections Youth Academy Boys & Girls Director

• USSF B License
• SCYSA State Cup Champion 2019 & SCSCL Finalists 2021
• University of Hartford Soccer Excellence – Hall of Fame Induction Class 2014
• NSCAA All American Selection & Umbro Select College All-Star 1996
• All-New England 1996 and a two-time All-Conference First Team 95/96


CSA Sections

We have eight geographic regions within Charlotte Soccer Academy.
Click on a location to be directed to the location information page. 

Our Locations


Charlotte Soccer Academy’s Charlotte section includes the southern part of Charlotte metropolitan area.

OrthoCarolina Sportsplex

13333 Dorman Road, Pineville 28134

Programs Offered:

  • Recreational Soccer 6U-19U
  • Youth Academy 8U-10U
  • USYS/North Carolina 11U-19U
  • Pre-ECNL 9U-12U
  • ECNL Regional League U13-U19
  • ECNL National U13-U19
  • ECNL National Academy Boys U13-U19


Charlotte Soccer Academy’s Huntersville section also includes the Lake Norman and University areas of Charlotte.

Programs Offered:

  • Youth Academy 8U-10U
  • USYS/North Carolina 11U-19U
  • Pre-ECNL 10U-12U
  • ECNL Regional League U13-U19

Indian Trail

Charlotte Soccer Academy’s Indian Trail section is our newest section serving the area southeast of Charlotte.

Programs Offered:

  • Youth Academy 8U-10U
  • USYS/North Carolina 11U-12U


Charlotte Soccer Academy’s Matthews section includes the southeastern part of the Charlotte area

Programs Offered:

  • Recreational Soccer 6U-19U
  • Youth Academy 8U-10U
  • USYS/North Carolina 11U-19U
  • Elite 64 U13-U19


Charlotte Soccer Academy’s North section includes Cabarrus and Rowan County.

CSA North Soccer Complex

3400 Davidson Highway Concord, 28027

Programs Offered:

  • Recreational Soccer 6U-19U
  • Youth Academy 8U-10U
  • USYS/North Carolina 11U-19U
  • Pre-ECNL 10U-12U
  • ECNL Regional League U13-U19


Charlotte Soccer Academy’s Palisades section includes the Clover, Tega Cay, Lake Wylie and Steele Creek areas.

Harris Teeter Fields at the Palisades

14600 Grand Palisades Pkwy, Charlotte 28278

Programs Offered:

  • Recreational Soccer 6U-10U
  • Youth Academy 8U-10U
  • USYS/North Carolina 11U-19U
  • National Premier Leagues Boys U13-U19
  • Development Player League Girls U13-U19


Charlotte Soccer Academy’s Uptown section includes the central Charlotte region.

Programs Offered:

  • Recreational Soccer 6U-10U
  • Youth Academy 8U-10U
  • USYS/North Carolina 11U-19U
  • Elite 64 U13-U19


Charlotte Soccer Academy’s York section includes York County and the surrounding area including Fort Mill, Tega Cay, Rock Hill, Clover, Lake Wylie.

Programs Offered:

  • Youth Academy 8U-10U
  • USYS/South Carolina 11U-19U
  • National Premier Leagues Boys U13-U19
  • Development Player League Girls U13-U19
Richard Butler

Section Director -Charlotte

  • USSF B License
  • Licensed with the Scottish FA & USC
  • Former Coach, Scottish FA youth professional teams
  • Sports Coaching & Youth Development Degree, School of Sport, Exercise & Outdoor Studies
  • Double major in Business & Sports Management, Pfeiffer University
  • Former youth player, Rangers Football Club in the Scottish Premier league