Tryout Information
Sunday, March 30, 7:30pm
CSA’s ECNL National Academy Director, Steve Gummer, will host this session focused on ECNL boys programing at CSA and the benefits of competing in the ECNL National Programs. CSA families registered for ECNL National Academy Boys and ECNL National Boys tryout will receive the Zoom invite. All other interested families, please reach out to the directors for information: Steve Gummer (ECNL National Academy Boys) or
Phil Hindson (ECNL National Boys).
Registration is open for tryouts for National Academy Boys and National Boys only!
Registration for all other age groups and programs coming soon!
If you are new to CSA this season, we recommend reviewing our club and program information prior to registering for tryouts. The Club and Program Information provides details on our programs, regions, levels of play and player development pathway for each age group.
All players, new and returning, are required to attend tryouts to be considered for placement on a CSA team. We strongly recommend attending all scheduled sessions for your tryout group. If the player has a schedule conflict, please register for tryouts and contact your coach or DOC with the information and plan to attend as much of each session possible.
Teams for each section will be selected from the tryout registrations for that section. You must attend tryouts for the section/program where you wish to play on a team. Please register your players for only one tryout program. If you plan to attend more than one tryout, register for the highest level program.
Click on the + to show tryout schedules and information specific to each program.
ECNL National Academy Boys and ECNL National Boys Tryout information
The U13-U19 ECNL National Academy/ECNL National Boys Tryouts is an invitation-only program. You must have a code to complete registration.
• Current CSA ECNL National Academy players, ECNL National players, and 12U Pre-ECNL players will receive an invitation with the code from your Program Director.
• All other CSA players wishing to attend ECNL tryouts should reach out to their DOC to discuss playing at the ECNL level.
• USYS players new to CSA wanting to request a code for ECNL assessments, please send your resume to the Program Director for the program you would like to try-out for.
• If you are currently registered for the 2024-2025 ECNL season with another club, tryout restrictions may apply. Please contact the director for more information.
• Online registration will close at NOON on Friday, April 4th.
All National Academy and National Boys: Registration closes Friday, April 4th at NOON.
Online registration $35 if registered and paid by the deadline listed.
Walk up registration is available at the field for $50. Credit or Debit card payment preferred.
Refund Policy: Refund for tryout fees must be requested by email and are subject to a $25 administrative fee. No refunds after the close of online registration.
Notes: Your player will be restricted to registering for their correct age group. Do not alter your child’s date of birth during registration. Requests to attend a tryout session for an older age group must be approved by the appropriate DOC. Upon approval by the DOC, your child’s registration will be transferred, and you will be notified by email. Please contact your DOC regarding play-up requests.
For general registration or event questions, please email us at admin@charlottesocceracademy.com.
For program questions, please contact the appropriate Director of Coaching.