2012 13U ECNL Boys Program Update

2012 13U ECNL Boys Program
2024-2025 Season

For the 2024-2025 season, Charlotte Soccer Academy will implement a program change that will allow the club to offer the highest level of ECNL competition to 2012 boys players in both the South and North sections through our ECNL National Academy and ECNL National programs.

  • The Charlotte SA National Academy ECNL Boys 2012 team in our ECNL National Academy program will continue to operate out of the South location with all training at the club’s OrthoCarolina Sportsplex in Pineville.
  • The Charlotte SA ECNL National Boys 2012 team in our ECNL National program will primarily operate out of the North/Huntersville locations with two of the three practice sessions each week held at either North Meck Park, West Cabarrus High School or Cox Mill High School and the third session at the club’s OrthoCarolina Sportsplex in Pineville.
  • Both programs’ home games will continue to be played at the club’s headquarters, the OrthoCarolina Sportsplex in Pineville, throughout the season.

As CSA has continued to expand and evolve in response to the population changes throughout the Charlotte metropolitan area, we have developed highly competitive player pools in all our sections. The 2012 boys age group is one of strongest the club has seen in several years with the highest-level players distributed across the north and south regions. The club will maximize the opportunity for all qualified 2012 CSA players to participate in the ECNL program by providing training sites for the team in both the North and South sections, improving the accessibility for more players.

The realignment of the training sites for the 2012 ECNL National program boys’ team will broaden the reach of the program and provide CSA an additional opportunity to increase player retention and attract new players.

Session Schedule

  • The 2012 ECNL National Academy program team will continue to train four times a week at the OrthoCarolina Sportsplex.
  • The 2012 ECNL National program team will continue to train three times a week, twice at one of the North/Huntersville locations listed above and once at the OrthoCarolina Sportsplex.

Why train once a week in the south?

It is important that this team trains at least once a week at the OrthoCarolina Sportsplex as their home games will all operate out of this location. This allows the players to be familiar and comfortable with their home fields for game days. The extended training session at the OrthoCarolina Sportsplex will incorporate a sports performance component with Architech Sports. Training at the OrthoCarolina Sportsplex also gives the team an opportunity to engage with the 2012 ECNL National Academy team to create more club continuity within the ECNL National Academy and ECNL National programs.

Coaching Staff

  • Steve Gummer will remain as the ECNL National Academy Boys Director with Ethan Kilby coaching the 2012 ECNL National Academy team.
  • Phil Hindson will remain as the ECNL National Boys Director with Josh Gregory coaching the 2012 ECNL National team.

2024-2025 Selection Process

  • All current CSA players participating in our 2012 Pre-ECNL, Roma, Elite and King level teams will be given a sign in code to attend the CSA player assessment (tryout) session for the ECNL Programs.
  • Tryouts for the 2012/13U ECNL National team will be held in the North locations.
    • April 24th at 5:15pm – 6:45pm at Striker Park
    • April 30th at 5:45pm – 7:15pm at North Meck Park
    • May 1st at 5:45pm – 7:15pm at Frank Liske Park
  • Tryouts for the 2012/13U ECNL National Academy team will be held at the OrthoCarolina Sportsplex in Pineville.
    • Tuesday, April 23 at 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
    • Wednesday, May 1 at 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM
    • Thursday, May 2 at 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM
  • Additional players within CSA not currently playing within the club’s highest teams interested in the ECNL assessments are advised to reach out to their respective DOC to discuss this opportunity and if their current coaching staff feel they have the ability to be a consideration for the ECNL programs, they will be given an invite code to register as these tryouts are by invitation only.
  • CSA will continue to operate two ECNL Regional League programs within CSA’s programming with the ECNL Regional League Blue teams for our South location players and the ECNL Regional League White teams for our North/Huntersville location players.
  • Players not currently registered with CSA must reach out to Coach Steve Gummer (ECNL National Academy) sgummer@charlottesocceracademy.com or Coach Phil Hindson (ECNL National) phindson@charlottesocceracademy.com with a soccer resume prior to registering.

Richard Butler

Section Director -Charlotte

  • USSF B License
  • Licensed with the Scottish FA & USC
  • Former Coach, Scottish FA youth professional teams
  • Sports Coaching & Youth Development Degree, School of Sport, Exercise & Outdoor Studies
  • Double major in Business & Sports Management, Pfeiffer University
  • Former youth player, Rangers Football Club in the Scottish Premier league